North Star


Reimagining productivity.

North Star is a mindful productivity app that helps creatives find daily alignment towards a better version of themselves.


Role: UX/UI, Product Designer
Skills: Competitive analysis, stakeholder interviews, wire-framing, prototyping, user testing, task flow diagramming, Sprint method, design systems, design thinking, personas, user journeys, product strategy, product validation
Context: Capstone project, BrainStation
2-3 months

What does it mean to live well?

In collaboration with BrainStation's UX Design students and educators, I designed an end-to-end product that focused on the problem space of "productivity and wellbeing for creatives".

My curiosity about how creatives managed their daily schedules, dealt with overwhelm, and stayed connected to their core values led me to the question:

Could a practical solution be designed to help them feel more connected to who they really are at their best, and to activities that energize them, on a daily basis?

The importance of personal wellness routines

Understanding wellbeing and productivity.

I conducted 6 user interviews, an online survey, created a user journey map highlighting opportunities for product innovation, and brainstormed a variety of user scenarios and task flows to understand this problem. I also looked at competitors in the wellness and productivity space such as Headspace, Calm, LifeSum, BetterMe, and Hallow for inspiration.

I learned that:
  • Making time for personal wellness routines outside of work/personal responsibilities mattered most to my interviewees
  • Having a reflective space to explore one's feelings was helpful
  • Being inspired by a vision for the future and a better versions of themselves fuelled them forwards
  • Social accountability and encouragement helped them reach their goals

The Overwhelmed Creative

My target user would be someone like Lianne, a creative who is looking for more balance between her work and personal life.
“I wish I had a way to manage my wellbeing. It would be nice to build more self awareness of what is and isn’t working, so that I can make better choices moving forward. Having a vision for the future that inspires me is also important.”

Common pain points amongst my interviewees included not having a scheduled personal wellness routine outside of work, feeling burnt out often, and forgetting the bigger picture of what really matters most to them.

My insights drew me nearer to the fact that my initial assumption of "setting long-term goals" wouldn't be helpful for my target user, who feared that they wouldn't meet them. They wanted something more encouraging, supportive, and reflective. A practical, clear, but also tailored visual solution.

The ideal product would be a starting point for daily self-reflection and an additional tool to remind them to take care of themselves. A safe space to stay aligned to their wellbeing, reflect on their emotions, and feel clarity about the best version of themselves.

Everyday wellbeing > setting more long-term goals

Early prototypes exploring the themes of 1) creating personalized wellness routines 2) reflective note-taking and 3) building a customizable inspiration board.

I user-tested flows of creating daily wellness routines, reflective note-taking, and vision-boarding on 10+ people. Based on my findings, my target user would prefer to focus on holistic wellbeing and visually scheduling in time for these activities.

Branding & Marketing

Marketing website and prototype.

UI Design System

Logo, typeface, and UI/design system.



Track, reflect, and ideate

North Star aims to help creatives achieve a daily balance of activities that help them align positively to their wellbeing and core values, beyond the pressure of setting more goals.

It hopes to act as an encouraging supporter and guide, leading them to what is best for them not just for the short-term, but for the long-term.

While a digital app may not solve the wicked problem of "wellbeing, productivity, and life purpose", this app hopes to serve as a starting point for self-reflection, setting boundaries, and a positive step in the right direction. I do believe that it is from our mindful daily intentions and activities that we are better able access a better version of ourselves.



It was an iterative journey for me to understand the many touch points a product must go through to be validated by users and the market. It was a challenge to put my initial ideas on hold and instead lead with user data. I think the best process is probably a mix of creative intuition, user data, and behavioural testing.

When people are going through personal challenges, what they often need most is to feel supported, encouraged, and focused on activities that can give them more clarity and alignment.